Stuffed Peppers Ciorba
12 medium peppers, 500 g minced meat, 60-80 g rice, green parsley, an onion, 1 egg, 3-4 carrots, 2-3 parsley roots, salt, pepper, tomato juice at taste. Chop the onion. Mix the minced meat with it and the rice, egg, green parsley and put salt and pepper at taste. Homogenize the mixture. Remove the peppers' stubs. Stuff them with the meat mixture and let aside. Cut the carrots and the parsley roots small cubes. Put them in a pot with a cup of water. Let them boil. Add 3 liters water and let boil again and now you put the stuffed peppers. Let boil for 15-20 minutes. Add tomato juice at taste and salt if necessary and serve with green parsley and sour cream.