Obama o ține dintr-un scandal în altul. Nici nu s-a încheiat scandalul NSA, că a început altul.
Potrivit unui articol al lui Jay Busbee, «New book: Obama told aides that drones make him ‘really good at killing people’», publicat de Yahoo!, în cartea „Double Down: Game Change 2012”, scrisă de Mark Halperin și John Heilemann, apare o afirmație de-a lui Obama, făcută în anturajul său de campanie electorală, referitoare la programul de drone al CIA, că acesta îl face bun la ucis oameni: «As first reported in a book review by the Washington Post’s Peter Hamby, Obama told aides in connection with the CIA’s drone program that he is „really good at killing people.”»
Casa Alba n-a negat afirmația: „The president is always frustrated about leaks,” White House senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer said on ABC’s „This Week.” “I haven’t talked to him about this book. I haven’t read it. He hasn’t read it. But he hates leaks.”
În ceea ce privește dronele, Busbee citează un raport al Biroului de Jurnalism Investigativ: „According to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, the CIA has conducted 378 strikes in the program’s 10-year history. Of those, 326 are classified as „Obama strikes.” The total number of people killed by drones is estimated at 2,528 to 3,648. Civilian casualties are estimated at 416 to 948, with 168 to 200 of those being children. As many as another 1,545 are estimated to have been injured in those strikes.”
Ce spun ucigașii de copii? Potrivit lui Busbee: «„We conduct those strikes because they are necessary to mitigate ongoing actual threats — to stop plots, prevent future attacks and, again, save American lives,” White House press secretary Jay Carney said in February. „These strikes are legal, they are ethical, and they are wise." And, thanks to this book, the motivations of the man who orders them will remain under scrutiny.»
„Hitler, Stalin, Ceaușescu!”, se scanda la Revoluție. „Ultimul pe listă, cu voia dumneavoastră”,… Obama.
Florin Silea