Potrivit siteului The Verge, NASA a decis să suspende aproape orice legătură cu URSS (Rusia a fost democratică doar pentru o scurtă perioadă de timp, în vremea președinției lui Boris Ielțîn) din cauza comportamentului acestui imperiu hrăpăreț ca orice imperiu.
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După ce NATO a decis să întrerupă parteneriatul cu cotropitorii sovietici, acum se pare că și mediul științific ia aceleași măsuri. Personal mă așteptam ca primul care să reacționeze să fie Comitetul Olimpic Internațional.
Siteul menționat a publicat și comunicatul dat de NASA: „Given Russia’s ongoing violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, NASA is suspending the majority of its ongoing engagements with the Russian Federation. NASA and Roscosmos will, however, continue to work together to maintain safe and continuous operation of the International Space Station. NASA is laser focused on a plan to return human spaceflight launches to American soil, and end our reliance on Russia to get into space. This has been a top priority of the Obama Administration’s for the past five years, and had our plan been fully funded, we would have returned American human spaceflight launches – and the jobs they support – back to the United States next year. With the reduced level of funding approved by Congress, we’re now looking at launching from U.S. soil in 2017. The choice here is between fully funding the plan to bring space launches back to America or continuing to send millions of dollars to the Russians. It’s that simple. The Obama Administration chooses to invest in America – and we are hopeful that Congress will do the same.” [S.F.D.]